Dr. Luke: "Probably the most important reason I want to do research is I want to give back. The entire field of medicine has been the result of thousands of years of research and who am I to just provide those services, rather than give back to what I've received. I don't do research because I love it per se, I feel like it's the right thing to do. Most of it is clinical. In the short term, just tweaking small things in surgery or in the technologies that we already have provide better outcomes for our patients. We track all of our outcomes and every couple of weeks, we go back and look to see how we can make things even better for our patients. There's a direct benefit right there. In terms of long term benefits, we are working on technologies that have been 10 to 15 years in the making."
Dr. Luke continues: "ClearSight has all the greatest and newest technologies and we want to make sure that what we're using is the absolute best. We're working with industry, we're working with patients in the community and other physicians in order to not only use the technologies that we have, but to make them better for the future."
The number one thing we hear from our patients is that they wish they would have had vision correction sooner.
So the question for you is… why wait any longer?